Get Social 2013!!!


On the 15th of October 2013 I attended a mini conference in the The Helix’s Mahony Hall in DCU called ‘Get Social 2013’ presented by Darragh Doyle. This event was run by DCU Business School and Techspectations to tell us about the internet and the social side of it. The conference included many different speakers from Microsoft, Edelmen Ireland, Marketto and Aertv. When we were told about this event, I did not think it would be at any interest to me… but I was wrong

Facebook – What’s on your Mind?

This was a video shown to us created by Niall Farrell and Niall Spolle. I found this video extremely interesting, it opened my eyes to see what ‘facebook’ is actually really about. It allowed me to see the positive and negative effects it has on us as users as over half the population have a facebook account. Yes facebook is great – Its a website where you can socialize with friends, get the latest gossip, keep up with new trends, share photos or to even to keep in touch with distant family and friends! But we never seem to look at the down falls of Facebook as a ‘Social Networking Site’ and thats what this video did. Facebook is a place where cyber bullying occurs, Its where young teens and adults personal information becomes invaded by hundreds/thousands of strangers. Its mad to think that the photos and posts you share can actually be viewed by people all over the world. I think this video could show others the real reason for social media sites and maybe stop them from being misused!!

Edelman Trust Barometer 2013

Joe Carmody, Director of Corporate Communications, Edelman Ireland focus on who and what the public trust. This was the first time I actually asked myself.. Who do I have trust in?? – The Diamond of Influence. I was surprised to hear that banks are the least trusted in Ireland than anything else with 14%. Big difference compared to Media with 64%. This information shows how banks have portrayed the public in which brings down the amount of trust we have in them. Media on the other hand has obviously kept a steady relationship with the public in which increased the trust we have for them. Overall, I learned alot from this talk, that trust is a main key a business needs in order to succeed and also not to trust banks!!!

Why Buy an Ad When You Can Own the Whole Channel?

Philippe Brodeur, Director of Aertv talked to us about social tv and the online television for free. He believes that 70-85% of data traffic to mobiles will be video by 2017. I could not believe that this could happen in 3 years!!

One thing that Phillippe said that stuck with me was:

‘Everyone has a strategy until you get punched in the face.’

This basically says it all in the sentence. Even the best strategists have to be prepared for the unexpected!!

Microsoft- Monitoring the internet

What is Social CRM? Microsoft basically find out the views of dissatisfied customers on social media, where comments were gathered by Global Tour Operators. I found this talk really interesting as it showed how companies can incorporate what people say on social media into their businesses. When you think about it has a domino effect – if you hear bad comments about a product or service you will think twice about using it, its crazy really!! We are influenced by what others say and do and we realise it. What the public say can effect a business and their image. As we heard in the Marketo talk from Elizabeth – Best type of advertising is ‘Word of Mouth’. It can lead to a social crises in which is growing year by year. For example the ‘Disgusting Dominoes’ video completely brought bad publicity on dominoes. It ranked in google/youtube rankings for years! Now I that the worker in that video is definitley one of the biggest idiots in the world for putting that up but it just shows these things happen!!


  • Overall I really enjoyed this mini conference and loved every talk. I have learned how important the internet actually is and how careful you need to be when using it. I have learned alot more about social media and marketing that I never knew! 

‘Get Social 2013’ was a really big success and should definitley continue on in the future! I am looking forward to whats coming next.



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